Product Contextual Ads (PCA)

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Product Contextual Ads (PCA)

Monetize user traffic, drive higher awareness & visibility for partner brands.

Search ads that replace browser cookies with buying intent

Targeted ads based on buying intent instead of browser cookies
Product search bars are underrated and underutilised – Our PCA ads can help you change that.

Introduce search ads to your platform to convert every query into a profitable prospect, targeting users on buying intent rather than the controversial & outdated cookie-based targeting.
Search ads using buying behavior

The Flipkart Commerce Cloud Product Contextual Ads Advantage

Explore retail media commerce with the retail specialists.
Keyword-based cookieless targeting

Keyword-based cookieless targeting

Capitalise on keyword search data & minimise exposure to user data

Drive context-based ads, retain native experience

Align product sales with incentivised product discovery through search ads.

eCommerce Specific pricing models

Explore patented pricing methods to maximise eCommerce revenues.
Access to Flipkart's Adtech Consult

Access to Flipkart's Adtech Consult

Power through your Ads Journey with expert advice from Our Ad Consultants.

Ask our ads experts for a guided demo.

Get in touch to understand how you can integrate our suite of ad solutions for an ‘end to results’ strategy.

Case Study

Proven ads solution to increase profit margins
for eCommerce players.

Adopting AI-ML solutions for retail? Some factors to consider before you leap in.

Client: Electronics

Hear about us from big retail players.

Shyam Unnikrishnan, BAIN

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