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Product Listing Ads (PLA)

Drive conversions and RoAs on your users browsing & buying intent.
Product Listing Ads
Boost brand & product discovery

Boost brand & product discovery in a cookieless world.

Drive-in revenue from user’s online activity in a cookieless world without distorting the native browsing experience on retail apps with Product Listing Ads.

Enhance performance and conversions for listed products while earning better RoAs.

The Flipkart Commerce Cloud Product Listing Ads advantage

Explore retail media commerce with the retail specialists.
Keep native user experience intact

Keep native user experience intact

Ensure native experience while browsing advertising listed brands to users
Drive conversions for brands in a cookieless worlds

Drive conversions for brands in a cookieless worlds

Give listed brands a better chance to be discovered amongst thousands of listing to propel channel value.
Share reports with a self serve platform

Share reports with a self serve platform

Offer transparency to listed brands in reporting & independence in managinig campaigns with self serve features.
Access Ad-tech consult from experts

Access Ad-tech consult from experts

Apply patented pricing methods to maximize eCommerce revenues. Power through your ads journey with expert advice from FCC’s Ad Consultants.

Ask our ads experts for a guided demo.

Get in touch to understand how you can integrate our suite of ad solutions for an ‘end to results’ strategy.

Case Study

Proven ads solution to increase profit margins
for eCommerce players.

Adopting AI-ML solutions for retail? Some factors to consider before you leap in.

Client: Electronics

Hear about us from big retail players.

Shyam Unnikrishnan, BAIN

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