C-level guide for Retail,
Amid the alarms of recession!

Amid 20%* shrinkage in retail sales, winners in retail are forecasting revenue growth of 10%* in this financial year. Learn how to make your business recession proof!

Retail consultant guiding retail business owner

Key actionables, that underscore the commercial capabilities of the market winners to out-execute the competition and drive profitable growth

FCC Case Study

Case Study

Download this guide to not miss out on the whats and the hows of market leaders to get a competitive edge in the industry and make you inflation resistant!

*Deloitte & Washington Post

What it takes to win the retail sector

See what the winners do differently than laggards, to grow at scale

  Monetization with cookieless ads manager: Get personal & invest in right data strategy, analytics & technology to monetize at scale

➡  Factor in competitor’s data & market intelligence: Track competitors across channels and automate pricing to grow your GMV

  Saving OpEx with selection analytics & demand prediction: Advanced selection data acquisition & analysis to enhance catalog in addition to accurate demand prediction to uplift your revenue

Pricing with FCC's Solutions

Retail Innovation from Flipkart Commerce Cloud

FCC Pricing Manager

Automate your pricing decisions for retail and brands, with AI based pricing engine across channels

FCC Ads Manager

Monetise your online assets & diversify retail revenue streams for greater profitability

FCC Selection Manager

Leverage catalog data to find areas for selection development, and for a winning product catalog

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