Seller Ads Give Festive Season Sales a Major Boost!

The holiday season is when ecommerce sites experience a significant spike in their sales. It’s that time of the year when sales account for a considerable chunk of their annual revenues.


If you want to drive more sales in the festive season, then serving ads on Retail Media Networks (RMNs) can help you effectively reach out to more customers and boost your sales.


This blog discusses how seller ads can give sellers the much-needed edge over their competitors during the festive season.

Seller Ads Give Festive Season Sales a Major Boost!


The holiday season is when ecommerce sites experience a significant spike in their sales. It’s that time of the year when sales account for a considerable chunk of their annual revenues.


If you want to drive more sales in the festive season, then serving ads on Retail Media Networks (RMNs) can help you effectively reach out to more customers and boost your sales.


This blog discusses how seller ads can give sellers the much-needed edge over their competitors during the festive season.


Online Festive Season Sales Gain Momentum 


According to studies by Statista, during November and December 2022, online shoppers worldwide will likely spend an estimated 209.7 billion U.S. dollars on holiday season shopping. In addition, the studies indicated that many consumers wait until the holidays to purchase big-ticket items, for example, luxury goods, furniture, and high-end consumer electronics.


As businesses get ready to make the most of consumer spending, the limited time frame for the festive shopping season puts pressure on sellers to implement effective advertising strategies.


Many online businesses launch new products for their customers to capture consumer spending during the festive season.


Furthermore, sellers can capitalize on this period and significantly impact their business through different marketing strategies, including seller ads on Retail Media.


Retail Media Drives Sellers’ Ads 


Retail Media Networks (RMNs) have become a critical resource in a brand’s marketing mix. According to eMarketer, in the US alone, RMNs will be the third big trend in digital advertising after search and social media.


As retailers become their own media, selling available ad inventory in their digital platforms spanning websites, social media, mobile apps, etc., it enables advertisers and brands to meaningfully engage with potential customers in their purchase journey at the point of sale.


Noteworthily, every online marketplace has its specific product categories, listing fees, audiences, and other requirements.


Here are the critical advantages of seller ads in driving holiday season sales:


  1. Leverage Retailer’s Industry Insights: Retail Media is a rich first-party data source and most likely knows more about the brand’s customers than the brand itself.

The third-party cookies era will end shortly, and increased privacy laws and data security will be implemented. Furthermore, brands typically do not have scalable first-party data. Instead, they rely significantly on third-party data, which will not be available.


Simply put, Retail Media is best placed to address the first-party data problem of brands. They have relevant data on the consumer’s interests, purchase patterns, preferences, frequency of shopping, and other such critical information. This is a gold mine for the brands trying to tap those customers.


During the festive season, sellers can leverage these insights to identify consumer trends, target the right customers and increase their purchase conversion rate.


  1. Tailored for Enhanced Visibility: Online marketplaces like Flipkart facilitate enhanced visibility through Product Listing Ads and Display Ads, which help insurers get more clicks. The higher the number of clicks a product gets on an e-commerce platform, the greater customer engagement and conversion prospects.

Running such sellers ad campaigns in the Retail Media ensures maximum visibility by displaying these as featured or sponsored products on relevant pages where visibility is maximum.


A holiday shopper browsing through these pages will get to see your product ad and, depending on the content, click on it. For example, premium sellers ads are generally placed at the front or the center of an app’s homepage. So, naturally, this is bound to attract the attention of visitors.


Seller ads convey product information or promotional holiday offers using attractive images, product descriptions, and pricing information detail on Retail Media. Thus they improve product visibility and facilitate reach to a broader customer base.


Likewise, advertisers can leverage advertisements targeting short-term sales. For example, Attach Ads on Flipkart focus on boosting brand visibility and are visible only when a potential customer appears ready to buy a specific product.


Considering the need to stand out from the clutter during the holiday season, the different types of seller ads serve as an ideal choice for sellers looking to gain traction among customers making purchases within their budgets.


  1. Access to Large Customer Base and Established Programs: Most marketplaces online have, over the years, built enormous customer audiences who regularly shop at these sites.

According to studies in 2022, leading regional online marketplaces were the main source for searching for products online worldwide, while search engines ranked second.


Advertising on these platforms during the festive season enables sellers to access an established customer base and present their products front and center.


  1. Personalized Targeting: Retail Media ads enable advertisers to access the online marketplace’s first-party data. This enhances the marketer’s targeting capabilities with the advantages of personalized targeting and messaging.

During the holiday season, sellers can use this targeting to reach the right customers, drive leads and get conversions. Thus, while increasing the brand’s visibility at a point where the customer’s purchase intent is high, seller ads on Retail Media make it easier for brands to link spending to sales.


In addition, Retail Media offers advertisers and brands reliable insights on the ROI of ad spending along with the capabilities to track spending right to SKU levels. This makes Retail Media a popular choice for sellers who want to target specific groups, including different age ranges and genders.


  1. Relevance and Compliance: Seller ads on Retail Media networks can target a prospective customer with a relevant message they are in a shopping mode instead of using other digital platforms. Moreover, it offers a safe environment with access to first-party data from retailers providing a suitable and compliant replacement for cookies.

These essential attributes are not only critical during the holiday season shopping, but also the entire year round.




A customer-centric strategy enables sellers to engage with customers and meet their expectations. During the festive season, seller ads on Retail Media help streamline your investments while boosting traffic. As the holiday season prompts greater online purchases, seller ads help turn your brand into a big attraction for potential website buyers.


Flipkart’s Sponsored Product Ads help advertisers improve visibility and meet their sales goals during the festive season by serving individual product listings to relevant and high-intent customers.


Moreover, Network Publishers can offer their advertisers Sponsored Product Ads by integrating FCC Ads Managers to monetize their websites, apps, and other online properties.

Learn more about how this can help you soar sales in during the festive season.

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