Why PIM in E-commerce is Important & How to Implement It?

As customer expectations soar high, the lack of accurate product data like inconsistent descriptions, missing specifications, and inaccurate inventory levels may result in frustration and potential loss of sales. This is where the utility of Product Information Management (PIM) comes to the fore. 

PIM streamlines product data management, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all your sales channels. This translates to richer product experiences, fewer order errors, and a boost in operational efficiency to drive the growth of your enterprise.

This blog covers the significance of PIM in E-commerce, explores its benefits in detail, and provides a roadmap for successful implementation.

What is PIM in E-commerce?

PIM in E-commerce is a strategic approach that offers a comprehensive solution for product data management. It consolidates all product-related information, including descriptions, images, specifications, pricing, and supplier details, into a single source of truth. This ensures that customers always have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information for the entire product range.

PIM effectively addresses the challenge of ensuring accurate product information across multiple sales channels. It provides a solution for data fragmentation, ensuring valuable product information is readily available. This allows for the automatic generation of accurate and compelling descriptions for each sales channel, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experiences.

A PIM software enables automated content delivery that allows you to schedule content updates and product launches across all channels simultaneously, reducing the time and effort required. This system stores and shares right product information with your online stores, corporate sites, catalogs, social media, marketplaces, and ERP. It can be a key business driver for your enterprise when you are looking to scale quickly and reach new markets

Key Functions of PIM

  • Data Collection: PIM, or Product Information Management, plays a pivotal role in the collection of product data. It gathers information from different internal systems and third-party vendors. This aggregation ensures that your master data management is both comprehensive and diverse for better product experience management.
  • Data Organization: Once collected, PIM also helps efficiently organize this data. It allows you to categorize and structure product information based on specific parameters like product categories, attributes, and types. This provides a clear and structured overview of all your product details.
  • Data Enrichment: PIM is essential in enhancing the efficiency of your product data governance. It ensures that your product descriptions are detailed and images are of high quality. PIM tools automate the process of validating listings, eliminating duplicates, and enhancing overall data quality. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your product listings across various marketplaces.
  • Data Validation: Data validation is another crucial function of PIM. It verifies that the data provided by your vendors meets the specified criteria, which helps buyers easily locate and evaluate products. This step is key to providing a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience for customers.


By understanding and implementing PIM in your E-commerce strategy, you can ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers and drive your business growth.

What are the benefits of PIM for E-commerce?

Benefits of PIM software in E-commerce

Here are the benefits of using PIM in E-commerce

Reducing Order Errors

PIM systems ensure that all product information is accurate and up-to-date. This accuracy significantly reduces instances of order errors, ensuring improved customer satisfaction and reduced returns. 

Situation you can avoid: Consider that a customer orders a blue shirt in size medium on your website, but due to outdated information, they receive a small size. This is an order error that could have been easily avoided with a PIM.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

By centralizing product information, PIM systems eliminate the need to manually update information across multiple platforms. This centralization greatly enhances operational efficiency, saving you precious time and resources.

Situation you can avoid: If you have to update the product prices on your website, mobile application, and social media pages separately, it can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.

Improving Product Searchability

PIM systems allow for robust product categorization and tagging. This feature makes it easier for customers to find exactly what they need, enhancing the shopping experience and potentially boosting sales.

Situation you can avoid: Consider a situation where a customer is looking for vegan skincare products. If your products are not properly tagged or categorized, the customer might not find them. This can result in missing out on potential sales or losing the visitor to a competitor.

Facilitating a Seamless Omnichannel Strategy

With a PIM system, you can ensure consistent product information across all sales channels, whether it is an online store, a physical retail outlet, or a mobile app. This consistency is key to a successful omnichannel strategy, providing a seamless shopping experience irrespective of how customers prefer to shop.

Situation you can avoid: A customer sees a product on your brand website but decides to purchase it using your mobile app. If the product information or images are inconsistent, this can lead to a poor shopping experience.

How to Implement PIM in E-commerce?

Implementing PIM in E-commerce is a strategic process that involves the following steps:

Understanding Business Needs

The first step is to identify the specific needs of your business that product information management software can address. For instance, are you struggling with inconsistencies across channels? Is manual data entry slowing down your operations? Identifying the pain points will help tailor the PIM solution to your unique needs.

Choosing the Right PIM

Once you have identified your needs, research and select a PIM system that best fits your business requirements. Consider factors like scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, and budget when evaluating different options. You can also request demos to ensure that the chosen option integrates seamlessly with your existing workflows.

Data Migration

After selecting a PIM system, plan and execute the migration of existing product pages into the new system. Work with your PIM provider to develop a comprehensive strategy that ensures data accuracy and minimizes disruptions. This can involve data cleansing. and standardization for a smoother transition

System Integration

Next, the PIM system should be integrated with other existing business systems like ERP and CRM. This integration allows for seamless data flow between systems and enhances operational and administrative efficiency.

User Training

It is vital to train your team to use the new product information management solution effectively. Invest in a comprehensive user training program to make sure that every team member knows how to use the system, create high-quality product content, and maintain data accuracy.

Testing and Deployment

Before deploying the PIM system in the production environment, test it thoroughly to ensure it meets all business requirements and functions correctly. This step is extremely useful in identifying and resolving any potential issues that may otherwise impact the customer experience.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly update and improve the PIM system based on user feedback and changing business needs. Leverage its analytical capabilities to gain valuable insights and optimize the product catalog for maximum impact. This continuous improvement ensures that your PIM system remains effective and relevant in the competitive E-commerce landscape.

Challenges in Implementing PIM

Here are some potential obstacles that the implementation of PIM in E-commerce may encounter:

Data Quality Issues

Poor-quality or inaccurate data can pose significant challenges when implementing PIM in E-commerce. For example, missing attributes and descriptions can leave customers confused. Likewise, inconsistency in data can lead to inaccuracies, again frustrating customers. 

A solution to this is to define data validation rules, build a robust governance system, and conduct regular audits to manage data discrepancies.

User Resistance

Employees may find it difficult to use PIM in E-commerce, especially when they are not familiar with the technology. This can be addressed via thorough training and change management strategies that encourage user buy-in. By providing comprehensive training and support, you can assist users in learning the advantages of the new system and guide them on its usage.

Cost Overruns

Implementing PIM in E-commerce can be costly, and there is a potential for costs to exceed budgets. Careful planning and management can help control costs. Clearly define your needs and request detailed quotes from potential PIM vendors. Factor in ongoing maintenance costs and ensure your chosen solution scales with your business growth.

Time Constraints

PIM implementation within a tight schedule can be challenging. A phased implementation approach can be a solution. Start by migrating core product data and functionalities. Once comfortable, expand your PIM usage to cover additional channels and workflows for a smoother transition.

Selecting the Right PIM for Your Business

Here are some important questions to consider when choosing the right PIM in E-commerce:

How well does the PIM integrate with existing systems?

A robust product information management system should be API-first, allowing for seamless integration with your ERP system and sellers’ workflows. APIs (Application Programming Interface) are the building blocks of digital applications, enabling different software applications to work together.

Can the PIM handle multiple currencies?

For businesses planning to scale globally, it’s essential to choose a PIM platform that can handle data across multiple currencies. This capability is crucial for the buyer, seller, and marketplace operator, especially when reporting revenue data according to the domiciled currency.

Does the PIM offer flexible options for setting up product taxonomy?

A good PIM system should enable you to arrange detailed product information by categories, product type, and variants. This feature aids in product taxonomy, making it easier for buyers to find what they’re looking for in just a few clicks.

What are your goals for the PIM system?

Establishing clear KPIs, such as alignment of products across channels, reduction in time to market, or streamlining content updates, helps you measure the effectiveness of your PIM system in achieving your business objectives.

Is the PIM system on-site or cloud-based?

On-site PIM systems require hosting on your own computer or server, which may not be feasible for smaller organizations. Cloud-based PIM systems, offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), are centrally hosted and can be accessed on demand via a browser.

What types of support packages does the PIM tool offer?

Support levels can vary from a DIY knowledge base to responsive live support. If you’re new to using PIM in E-commerce, be sure to choose the level of support you’ll need during the setup and maintenance of your tool.

Drive Your E-commerce Growth with Flipkart Commerce Cloud (FCC)

Implementing PIM in E-commerce can help streamline your operations, improve the consumer experience, and drive growth. As a retailer, it is worth considering the adoption of a PIM system to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving E-commerce sector.

One such leading retail solutions provider is Flipkart Commerce Cloud (FCC). FCC offers a comprehensive suite of solutions that can help retailers with their PIM needs. Our offerings include the Marketplace Technology Stack, which facilitates the launching and expansion of online marketplaces. The Retail Pricing Manager is a tool that aids you in developing competitive pricing strategies. These solutions have been developed to meet the unique needs of retailers and are backed by Flipkart’s rich experience in retail innovation.

So, why wait? Contact the experts today to learn what FCC can do for your retail enterprise!

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